
“Anyone who would think to themself, that they are too weak, they will have a completely different mindset after taking this class!”

As parents, our main concern is the safety and wellbeing of our children. We teach them everything we know, send them out into the world and hope we gave them enough, to make it on their own. We love our sons and pray for their safety but the worry we have for our daughters when they leave the home, is not the same. The challenges young women face is vastly different from young men. We teach our sons to be knights in shining armor and our daughters to be princesses. The problem with that is, there is a stigma that the princess, a “Damsel in distress”, must be rescued and always grateful to the knight that saves her. But what if we equipped our daughters with the same armor and qualities of strength that are expected of young men. What if we taught them wield the sword themselves? Thats where The DefendHer Program comes in.  


“It’s one of the best experiences you can have in a self defense class and it’s definitely, not a waste of your time!”



#DefendHer ***

What inspired The DefendHer Program?

Like many parents, we want our children to walk with confidence and know, when and how to stand up for themselves. We encourage our students and parents to approach our instructors with any concerns or information that will help in the development of their training. One day, a parent took that opportunity. Without hesitation, he said, “I don’t care about belts or promotions. My daughter walks home alone from school and we want her to REALLY be able to protect herself. This is why we chose private lessons, over regular classes. Do you think she has what it takes to protect herself in a real situation?”. This was about building up a young person to face the world and easing the worries of a parent.

“Don't think about making women fit the world — think about making the world fit women.”

-Gloria Steinem

Fast forward, training since the age of 9, this student was having a conversation with her dad about leaving for college soon. He asked her, “Are you nervous about being on your own?” With absolute confidence, she replied with a smirk on her face “Not at all!” Her father thought about the comparison of who she was when she first started training, to who she is now.

“I think of that insecure and fearful little girl, who was not yet aware of her own power.”

― Alex Dalton

Realizing it was the particular method of training that gave her the confidence, to know that she could stand up for herself and believe in herself, he reached out to Sempai Jacquim to share his thoughts. He said’ “Sempai, what you in particular, have taught my daughter over the years is something that I think other parents, like myself and young women, who could really benefit from what and how you taught my daughter. I would like for you to seriously consider how you can share those same lessons with others!” From this humbling moment, the concept for what is now known as The DefendHer Program, was created.



#DefendHer ***

“The lessons taught in classes sent new messages to my mind, and the girls, about things that just shouldn’t happen. Just the awareness alone is valuable in itself.”

-Mom & Aunt

Who is this program for?

If you are searching for a self defense program, specifically designed for the challenges that young and older women alike face, then the DefendHer Program is for you.

The DefendHer Program goes beyond teaching how to fight back when it is necessary. The key element to every class is “Confidence” and “Awareness”. Each class is personalized lessons, specifically to the participants team. Everyone’s reasons for taking part in the program are different and we find that hitting home on specified subjects, provided by the team beforehand, to be the best method for Team Members to get most out of their experience. Classes are based on matters that are either, currently taking place in the world or suggested situations provided by participants.

One of the major benefits of The DefendHer Program is, it can be done in the convenience of your home, office or a designated place, at the time that best suits you and your family’s schedule. Like we said before, this your class, created for your team.

“What i like was, he taught them what to look out for. To look for the Red Flags, not just how to protect themselves. I said it before and I will repeat it again… The Life lessons were a really big deal!”


Who can take part in the Program?

Although the DefendHer Program was inspired by the needs of younger High School & College bound woman, this is a unique program that can be custom fitted to any team’s needs.

  • Church & Social Groups

  • Airline Stewardess

  • Woman Owned Businesses

  • Corporate Resource & Team Building Groups

  • Traveling Athletic Teams

  • Friends & Family Team Building

  • Social Workers & Counselors

  • So Many More…

Each class is led by one of our Martial Arts Instructors. But what makes our classes special for the younger women, is the Guest Mentor. Our Guest Mentors are not only women who train in our martial arts classes, but they are also extraordinary individuals in society. Writers, Law Enforcement, Lawyers, Martial Arts Competitors, Business Owners, Doctors, Musicians and so much more. We believe young women should be able to see themselves as strong, smart, successful, and powerful leaders like the mentors guiding the program. This is why they do it. Our Mentors are real people, who live real lives, and are truly committed to the program and participants.

Mary Howard: Leveling Up with Love!

“Are you waiting on your prince? Save Yourself!” Mary Howard invites guest speaker, Sempai Jacquim, of Saburai Fight Science and Mindset Martial Arts! Tune in, as they speak about the importance of Martial Arts training, with and for, women of all ages.



#DefendHer ***



#DefendHer ***


Today, young women are breaking through the barriers of social standards set before them, and it’s amazing! There are women in the highest political positions around the world, top scientist and doctors, elite athletes and the accomplishments go on. DefendHer Program is uniquely designed to empower young woman to continue smashing obstacles set before them. Our mission is to make sure every young woman we train with, knows that she has the right to say “NO”, can protect herself when necessary and achieve her goals, with a strong support team to back her up.

  • Her Dreams are her future. Defend them as if they were your own, because they just might be.

  • Her Confidence gives her the strength to try new things without the fear of failure.

  • Her Integrity gives her the courage, to stand before anything with conviction.

  • Her Honor gives her the ability to stand proud and be taken serious.